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Wednesday, September 18, 2013♥

My love will stay wif u forever ..
Fuck up guy...after so long pple opening chap and closing chap alrdy finish reject alrdy reject le. N yet u this fucked up guy ans is still e same U DUN FUCKING NOE IT....  I GIVE UP.... I BETTER GIVE UP!!! PLS MEIXUAN GIVE UP STOP THROWING ALL UR JING CHI AWAY LYK SERIOUSLY.  even other pple alrdy give me straight ans and u after lyk 7 or 9. FUCKING MTH U R STILL SAYING U DUNOO R U SOE FREAKING IDIOT OR UR JUZ A PLAIN PURE FLIRT CASANOVA...SHIT U..... FREAKING SHIT.... I HAVE DONE SO MUCH... If u have tgiven me a straight NO at e beginning it would be so much easier for me life wun be so sad for this past mths. Crying nites crying to sleep..... Im angry cos of e dunno if it was a NO or better so A YES i wun be angry cos at least i noe im not wasting time and effort waiting for that fucking miracle.....

[10:33 PM]

Tuesday, September 17, 2013♥

My love will stay wif u forever ..
 Imshld stop pursuing stop stop stop.........enjoy life now enjoy tt e most impt. Life single life with fren isnt tt baddddd rite.....


Anywyay if evyone is lyk u so straight forward tt will be good realli good. Save e pain. Yi zhen jian xue.

[11:23 PM]

My love will stay wif u forever ..
M i not good enuff? Maybe i shld juz be a nun suan le

[11:07 PM]

Monday, September 16, 2013♥

My love will stay wif u forever ..

Saw e chANEL 8 show with a quote being used. 我们就像在这个电梯你挡门。 我走不出。 你进不去。

你现在挡在我的门我走不出。如果你没有想走进来。就别当在那里因为别人也进不来。 我也笨笨的不想走出你挡的那扇门。只等着房里出现另一扇门能让我走出去但同时不需走出你这扇门

[8:36 AM]

My love will stay wif u forever ..

Realli dunno y m i so stubborm n stupidly holding on yo sth when i noe tt it id not good....maybe i juz dun wanna lose....

[8:30 AM]

Saturday, September 14, 2013♥

My love will stay wif u forever ..
属于我的好男人到底在哪里。。。。 累了, 尽力的去在乎,去做出举动,到头来什么都没有。 以过了这么久。 我好像错过了很多。我后悔了。有时想挽回却什么结果都没有。 是我错了。 久因为你,我错过了。 男人啊真的搞不懂他们在想什么。 也不知道为什么前一分钟 忽热。 下一分钟忽冷。 真的乱了累了。 我放下了矜持,还是什么都没有。 为什么你们要走进我的人生,留下回忆,让我想要得到更多时你们却走了, 让我一个人努力。为什么。要是这样当初就别踏进我的人生。 

[10:12 PM]

Friday, September 6, 2013♥

My love will stay wif u forever ..

So excited for later jj lin timeline world tour singapore autograph session and wat good bout this is it is at compass pt so nesr my hse!!!

Anywayjuz joined choir recently . Had been dere for lyk afew prac realli like it lyk back to sec sch days. At least i dun dread b find excuses for not gg for practices ao is still a good sign... though sumtm is tired after wk n hav to rush back sch prac till late n travel.backkkk but still if u rralli lyk sth no matter how tired.u will still go sumtm u act dun feel tired after tt. But if u dun lyk sth nd yet u have to go u will end up dreading dragging ur feet drre even if is quite chill but u still feel tired after tt

Do wat u love and love wat u do!!!!

[8:40 AM]


Lady Mistress♥ & Luv♥

♥ meixuan (xuan)
♥ 2 oct 1992
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