Friday, January 25, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
Ok tt so obvious ...i noe is obvious hahhas my acting is bad... Realli bad....
Some time it is amazing how one person can make u smile n oso same time makes u feel a kind of indescrible sadness.... I shld feel happy but sumhw u approaching me kindof makes me feels weird now sumhow...a kindof sadness n i dunno juz some weird feeling tt i cant describe using words...
[5:51 PM]
Wednesday, January 23, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
越是执著就伤得越深。。。这我知道,但我却还是选择执著。。。juz saw a tweet today about libra n i tink is totally so true...when e heart n mind thinks differently , usually e heart will wins tt how im feeling n wat im doing now i guess....大脑明明说停,心却死死的放不下,想继续。到头来我知道受伤最大的应该还是自己。我不知道我为什么这么执著,也许因为他给了我希望或者是假希望。。。。我直希望那不是假希望,因为希望越大失望就越大。。。
[8:53 PM]
Sunday, January 20, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
ia realli a wonder how one person has such a great impact on another person life juz a simple thing can create a great diff...juz a msg can makes a person smile...or feels better. n yet a lack of msg turns e person world upside down...
love ah love ah.....
it feels as if lyk is an addiction to a person...without e drug life is lyk a torture.....
therefore love=drug=addiction and is hard to jie diao....
love=poison feel as if lyk ur gg to si diao sumtm
my poison n addiction seems abit too much....
[4:25 PM]
Saturday, January 19, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
im loss, confuesd of wat to do nxt....i feel trapped yet released...dere seems to be nth tt i can do now....who can understand me n help m,e out of matter how fren are dere for u to cheer u up...certain things r juz left to u n only u can do it solove it recover from it.....they cant do much except cheering u up....
[11:51 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
failure to a weak is juz a destruction...a lower of hteir alrdy low self esteem..they cant help but start to doubt themselves...thinking tt they mite not be good enuff which is y they experience failure....
[11:49 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
i seems to hav destoryed it myself....我自己搞砸的。。。。好后悔
[11:37 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
I AM TOTALLY SO NOT OK..... i cant control... what is only lyk afew wks start of 2013 n i juz failed to meet my resolution...cried for the past 2 wks.... so fedup tt i juz throw awasy e new yr resolution tt i wrote tt im so lyk trap in a wu bian wu ji de da hai bu zhi gai wang qian zou wang na zou or juz stay put.....ytd wasnt so bad but at nite n today it juz.........i wsanna do sth crazy for me to fa xie... ear piercing? e urge getting abit stronger....maybe i shld go out for a walk go nex or cp starbuck mug oso shuang maybe i shld do tt....
anyway juz exercise but doesnt seems to keep me happy....blast music .....sad song makes me cried harder.... retail therapy? bluey contacts for a moment i feels better but now here im blogging....actualli blogging is good i can realli write wat i wan here for myself to release myself........
since it stops raining maybe i shld step out of e hse....
ear piercing maybe i would if i have money now....but abit broke can only wqait till pocket money come.....
i dun lyk myself for being so weak!!!i shld l;earn to be stronger n not hold things so tightly...i shld learn to let go but it is hard when dere seems to be some hope or false hope maybe....
i will only let go when there is realli no hope totalli no hope n when im being told straight in my face tt i lose..........
who can i share all this with......
sumtm i suddenly realise tt at this stage of life there is 2 grps of pple tt will always be dere for u. family n good friends...
[2:59 PM]
Thursday, January 17, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
are u ok shldnt be ask juz cos a person who is not okies to remove tt facade or isit facet???ah wateva n breakdown......but sumtm dere is no other way to ask....only pple strong enuff to control n hide it can go thru it when being ask are u okies.....
[4:50 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
u once agn came n destruct my mind my thot agn...i thot telling u i will get e ans but now e same fucking feeling is back agn n realli torturous....i juz wan an ans a clear cut ans.....sumtm i hope even if is a no for an ans is better den not getting an least i can fang xia....i noe i can stop rather den now im not sure to stop or continue...
[4:02 PM]
Monday, January 14, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
Its only lyk e 3rd wk of jan 2012 n seem lyk i kindof failed my ny resolution one of it which is to be happy after all e event tt happened last wk...ok now bck to normal life agn with ah gong in heart n memories...bck to live life happily...even if unhappy i shall try to make myself happy....做人 Humhum jiu hao....quote from taxitaxi... Maybe sumtm is quite true... Certain things in life sumtm if we can kan kai dian den we will be happpier but of course not evything hum hum......
Lets wk towards being happy....天天开心....
Off to sch loh...8.30am lesson... Early but lets be happy...mon bluezz sch bluezz go away dun eva come bck agn...
[6:41 AM]
Friday, January 11, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
its all over.... cried when see ah gong for e v last time....
now it feels so empty...dunno how to describe lyk weird weird de feeling some where in heart....we will all miss you ah gong.........
was trying to keep away from the sad emotion when they were walking n at e crematory....this is too sad...managed to controlled myself....
nan de past 5 days got things to keep me bck to life agn all e prob sad still so affected by things....why is dere whatsapp....y is dere a last sen kindof makes me feel so.....
[2:41 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
ah gong juz passed away on mon early morning. and tmr is e chu bing day.... is all coming to an end.... juz came bck saw on fb cousie posted photos taken tgt with ah gong...realli tears juz flow juz kleep flowing realli v sad...
sheng lao bing si is part of life but sumtm we juz cant control e emotions n accept it.... crying doesnt mean we cant accept it maybe it juz an expression of emotion which we cant control....
[1:17 AM]
Monday, January 7, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
oh my tian i juz did sth crazy......=.=...what happen to me i m juz getting so wild n ki siao.....
[12:55 AM]
Sunday, January 6, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
juz read this on fb is realli kind of true
from e same post saw this. 男人啊! 都是欲食类动物 hahahs juz laugh upon seeing this line....
[8:36 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
i have been blogging for 6 yrs or even more i tink...this is soo long...come to think of it time has fly pass so fast...things happen happy sad.... growing up changing environment. from bowen to aj n to has changed so hav i.... incidents happens...creating part and parcel of my memories......
suddenly juz 感触量多.....
an another thing. y do i always fall for short,flirty talksative friendly guys tt makes me feel insecure.....i told myself not to fall for such guy but now i seem to fall for this pattern ag=.= maybe some mistakes n lesson we juz nv learn...or even if we learn we juz somehow cant stop ourselves from such mistakes or rather maybe is not mistakes is juz e same eventwith an unknowing result....
how i wish myh heart cn juz listen n follow e brain...which seems to be the other way round instead as of now.....
no wonder some pple choose not to peng ai qing cos is too painful whether r u in a rs, or an lian or wateva related...
[1:21 AM]
Saturday, January 5, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
sometime i juz feel so confident or daring but e nxt moment it changes i feel lyk giving up...i wan to fang qi...but the heart juz cant do it....e mind think one way e heart think one way........i shld che di si xin without even trying???
[11:14 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
Xin li guai guai zhong nan yi xing rong de tong ku.... Wo zhen de hao xiang yao yi ge da an....even if i noe e ans mite not be e one tt i hope it will be but i tink tt ans is juz to let me give up to stop... Cos i cant seem to tell myself to stop...tell my heart to stop....
Who can i tell who can i share my prob with....nv touch love this kindof thing cos is too xin ku...but sumtm we juz cant help...our mind ccan say one thing but e heart feels another way...
Gonna go out chill with eileen ps....
Suddenly feel lyk gg for a drink...i finaalli noe why drama always show pple who r sad go drink hahahs...
[1:22 PM]
Friday, January 4, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
[5:41 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
F**** juz finish shopping by rite shld be happy happy...but becos of one stupid shop sales promoter spoil my whole mood!!!! by rite was gg hm den went bck totinking of getting falsies...n e shop promoter juz keep on hard sell... Is at bugis second flr super pinky shop selling all e fake eyes lash lioele pdt dere two shop...totalli juz crazy max of hard sell... Went to two n e second one super buay tahan...hard sell jiu suan liao...when u dun wan buy she shoot u leh say wat most cust come here buy alot n im e only one tt spend so little..omg wat kind of service is this.... Nv wan to go bck agn...pple beware if u go bugis street.... I shoot hav juz walk out n not buy anything but i still did...fml spoil my mood to the max....
[2:55 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
Y do i tend to fall for a certain type of guy... Friendly flirt talkative but short guy...hahhas...told myself not to fall for such guy agn but i juz control....
Anyway off for shopping today!!!!
[11:37 AM]
Thursday, January 3, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
Card 3 (The Lovers) : Your fears »
Ones heart is ruling ones head! You are so afraid of being hurt you are paralysed into non-action. To have or not to have? To stay or to go? Throw caution to the wind, great happiness awaits you if you can trust what you feel and ignore the fear and do it anyway.
credit to:
is kindof true lyk a spot on of how im feeling now....
[10:15 PM]
My love will stay wif u forever ..
人生就像一场赌注。博还是不博。。。如果不博你永远不知道下场。但我们有时却因为害怕下场不是我们想要的,而没有博的勇气T.T 但如果不赌一把,也是就只能在原地踏步。。。
我只想要一个答案。。。 这种在半空中悬挂的,什么头绪都没有真的太难受了。。。。。。
人生就像一场赌注。博还是不博 , 由你自己选择。
[10:23 AM]
Tuesday, January 1, 2013♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
ytd went to watch firewk but sian lah kenna block particially by the museum at mbsT.T cant take nice pic...after tt walkwalkwalk to fullerton dere de starbuck to chill
hahhas then jiu chat chat lyk pple are lyk all facing love prob...gan qing ah....zhen tong ku...esp an i wish we can see n read each other mind life will be much easier rather den being dere always guessing wat e other is thinking...暗恋真的好痛苦...lets all wei ai jiayou ba!!!! may we all achieve happiness n be tgt with e person we hope to be with in 2013!!!
may 2013 be a better one filled with happiness , love laughter warmth money n evything good.....
Always keep the faith!!!

this irritating thingy block my nice firewk viewT.T
[2:46 PM]