Saturday, February 27, 2010♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
wah junho concert is so damn freaking x.....e most x de tix is $280....T.T den i tink e cheapest is $180- ba...
180 leh i go for jj concert i can take e front sit loh is lyk under e most x tix lah.......sian sian sian .....i wan go.....but nvm lah jaejoong oso not confirm gg.....sian ah...............................
[10:58 AM]
Wednesday, February 17, 2010♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..

1stday de outfit

2nd day de clothes....

wahhhs e bckgrd so hahas.....forgt close toilet door...hahas...

v day present from meixian...hahas...not e whole box lah....i forgt which one i ate le....nice donut

all e flowers tat i giv to e gals...wahahas....e flower is buy de buy e pink paper is i wrap de....veri nice rite....

present from e rest of e from jiaqi de veri nicely decorated....den pocky from rena den gt card from koh n flower frm maria denise den e loolipop make into lyk flower from maureen .....thx alot.....

pic i took at e beach during tat tm beach cleanup so nice sunrise.....
cny over liao so fast......tis few days o lah...chu xi go aunt hse eat steamboat den jiu watch kua nian show....den jj sing de song so nice....but 2nd song jiayou gt a small part sing wrong lah...but is still v nice....he still go to audience n shake hand leh i hope i was dere lah to shake his hand wahhhh if can hug him even better wahhhhhsssssssssssssssssssss......................jj........jj......den jiu 1st day cny wear dress lah e dress lan loh e strap spoil one side b4 i even gt out of e hse den jiu go sewing it den e other side at cousin hse den spoil den jiu use hair clip loh to clip it..........
2nd day jiu go da jiu hse lah ....2nd day wear skinny sleeveless shirt n black vest den is lyk abit rock kind but not tat kind of super rock ba....
ytd go watch percy jackson nice muvee...muz go watch....den whn go hm is lyk mum n aunties all go
[6:17 PM]
Saturday, February 13, 2010♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
tat day guitar bonding wif j1 is quite fun lah....played e chair game, husband n wife n cap ball....juz tat veri hot....but is fun esp e chair to noe sum of e j1 den is lyk rmb their names bla bla bla.....
chinese new yr is cuming...tonite muz watch channel 8 kua nian show gtjj leh...wahhh....jj....zui zui zui....
[2:24 PM]
Thursday, February 11, 2010♥
My love will stay wif u forever ..
tat day after beach cleanup go watch nice...a simple real story but is touching ...sumor is makes u cry den stop den not too long cry agn is lyk for a few times lah...nxt tm tis kind of muvee muz buy dvd den watch alone at hm den can gan gan cry wahahas....but is a nice story lah....e story is super old loh is happens lyk 19 20+ or 1930+ lah is lyk so early......
cny is cuming soon wahahas...tmr gt celcbration.....
wah im gg eaward i so excited .......i wan go watch jj.....wah jj is back to sg....wahahs gg to zui liao......
[9:17 PM]